Provincial news

150 Years of Mark Masonry in Yeovil

William de Irwin Lodge of Mark Master Masons, recently celebrated their Sesquicentennial Anniversary, in the presence. of nearly 100 Brethren.

William de Irwin Lodge of Mark Master Masons was consecrated on the 12th June 1873, at the Three Cough Hotel, Hendford, just across the street from the current Masonic Hall. The Lodge was sponsored by Brotherly Love Lodge No. 329. Two years after the formation of the Provincial Grand Loge of Somerset, in 1871.

Celebrations of this magnitude take significant amounts of planning and hard work to make them a success. The team certainly delivered!

In the temple; the Provincial and Deputy Grand Master were welcomed, both of which were delighted to take the chair and present the lodge with their brand new Sesquicentennial Warrant, which was read by the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

John Allen the Lodge Director of Ceremonies presented a paper on the history of the Lodge and explained Captain William De Irwins significance in Freemasonry and the rest of the world at the time. There are several units in various orders named after him, in Somerset.

The present day sees the Lodge going from strength to strength, a sure sign of this is that most of the progressive offices are held by brethren yet to go through the chair. There are also a number of candidates waiting to be advanced.

Down stairs at the festive board, everyone was treated to a sumptuous 4-course banquet, washed down with fine wine and excellent company.

The Deputy Grand Master Addressed everyone, saying how fortunate and grateful he was to be invited to such a significant occasion. Having not been to Somerset since he was the Provincial Grand Master of Worcestershire, when the Province was under the leadership of David Nelson. He also explained how the organisation and staffing has changed at Mark Masons hall, with several new staff members coming on board. A new 125 year lease has been signed for Mark Masons Hall, with the Crown Estate Properties.

The team is now even better equipped to run and maintain their 300 year old piece of history. He encouraged members to visit 86 St James Street when they are in London, to view the magnificent building and maybe take lunch in the Bar.

The Provincial Grand Master rose and thanked everyone for coming particularly thanking his team and ruling masters present on making the evening such an auspicious occasion. He wished the Lodge well and hopped that it would continue to prosper for the next 150 years.

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