Lodge news

St Andrews Golfing Lodge visit Frome

Orchardleigh Golf Club course was in splendid condition for the 15 members and guests who attended the July meeting.
The competition was as usual competitive, with Tony Guthrie 45 points taking the first spot, followed by Ken Lavery, 36 points, and David Flack,35 points.
When the golfing day was over, it was time to think about the evening lodge meeting, which was being held at Frome Masonic Hall.
Around 30 brethren attended the meeting with W Bro Neil Arthur taking the Master’s Chair due to W Bro Phil Giorgetti being unavailable. With the usual business being completed the DPGM, W Bro Tony Guthrie
requested the Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Steve McNaughton to present W Bro Alex Carter to him.

DPGM Tony Guthrie presenting a 50 Year Certificate to W Bro Alex Carter

Tony informed the brethren that Alex had completed 50 years in Mark Masonry and he was delighted to present a certificate to him, before doing so, he told the brethren about Alex’s early years and him
becoming a mason back in his birthplace in Scotland.
He talked about Alex’s contribution to Freemasonry in general and to his work in other orders. W Bro Steve McNaughton then read out the wording on the certificate before Tony made the official
Alex addressed the Brethren, speaking about his time as a Freemason and thanking Tony for the award.

The Team of Development and Improvement 
L to R: W Bro Geoff Seaman, W Bro Derek Wilton, W Bro George Sargent, and W Bro Alan Trask 

To round off the lodge Agenda the Worshipful Master introduced the Team of Development and Improvement who presented the lecture in fine style.
To complete the day, everyone enjoyed the company and food at the Festive Board.

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