Provincial news

Provincial Team BBQ

The annual BBQ for Active Provincial Officers and Comms Team was held on July 9th, in DPGM Anthony Guthrie’s Back Garden. 

The teams were treated to a sumptuous meal of premium sausages, burgers and chicken with homemade salads. Tony also smoked a massive ‘Boston Butt’ for everyone!

After the meal, some retired in to the ‘cinema room’ to watch England win the nail biting conclusion of the Ashes, and then saw England get a podium finish in the British F1 Grand Prix.

The Mark PGM thanked Tony and Jayne for putting on the magnificent afternoon, of sun, food and top company. He also thanked everyone for their continued hard work and dedication to Mark Masonry!

The Somerset Mark Provincial Team enjoying the hospitality of Tony and Jayne Guthrie
DPGM Tony Guthrie cooking up a Feast!

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