Lodge news

A Rather Special Event at Else Lodge of MMM

The March meeting of Else Lodge of MMM 102 saw something rather special – and unique – happen.  The Worshipful Commander and Brethren of Yatton Royal Ark Mariner Lodge paraded in, in their RAM regalia, and were treated to an excellent presentation by W Bro Gary MacKenzie on the history and character of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners.  He stressed that it was not a recruiting exercise, but rather a promotion of the degree in general, mentioning those Royal Ark Mariner Lodges that meet near Weston super Mare. 

In addition, Else Lodge received the Travelling Keystone from brethren of the Royal Cumberland Lodge of MMM TI, when W Bro Richard Cooper highlighted the link between our two lodges as being two of the three founding lodges of the Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

There was a happy buzz at the festive board and the whole evening was agreed to have been an excellent one among friends and brothers.

PLEASE NOTE!  At the next meeting on Tuesday 16th May, the SAMMS Team will be performing their ceremony.  This will be the last performance for at least two years in the Province, so if you haven’t seen it and would like to do so, please contact the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Ben White ben.white1@talktalk.net

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