Lodge news

Hallam Lodge delivers Travelling Keystone to Nailsea

Tim Gosling, the worshipful master of Hallam lodge of Mark Masons No 730, along with 11 Hallam brethren were very pleased to present the travelling keystone to Graham Chipperfield, and the brethren of Nailsea Mark Lodge at their meeting on the 9th January.

All of the members of Hallam were made to feel very welcome indeed, and enjoyed the ritual and company of the Nailsea brethren, in just the way that we are all so very used to as Mark Master Masons in Somerset.

Hallam brethren had the additional pleasure of seeing Bro Rob Collins advanced, in what was a splendid ceremony, and to join him at the festive board where he gave his usual quiet and reserved response to his toast.. Ahem!

The food was of course excellent. @Brethren, if you haven’t had the opportunity to dine at Nailsea then it’s thoroughly recommended, as is doing so at the next Nailsea Mark lodge meeting, which will be on March 13th.

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