Lodge news

Steve Installs Stephen at Cerdic Mark 571

L to R Sam Mayer Provincial Grand Junior Warden, Steve Warwick Master, Steve Clift Installing Master and Steve McNaughton Provincial Grand DC

 Wednesday the 16th October witnessed the annual Installation ceremony in Chard at Cerdic Mark 571. Rivalling the Royal Ark Mariner installation at Chard last month,  the weather was atrocious and the Ark would have been really handy for some of the brethren! Thankfully,  all the brethren made it safely,  to the lodge.

After the lodge was opened, WBro Sam Mayer , Provincial Grand Junior Warden and WBro  Steve McNaughton,  were welcomed with Grand and Provincial Officers.

WBro Steve Clift, then installed the now Master, Stephen Warwick,  into the Chair , in fine manner. There was a plethora of Steve’s involved during the evening!

There were also some excellent addresses,  to the Master, Wardens,  Overseer and Brethren.

The newly Installed WM Stephen Warwick,  then appointed all his officers,  with warmth and sincerity.

L to R Ian Clift Lodge DC, Sam Mayer ProvGJW, Dave Wakely Lodge JW, Steve Warwick WM, Charlie Swaffield Lodge SW, Steve Clift Installing Master and Steve McNaughton ProvGDC.

There are some candidates in the pipeline, so a positive year is in the planning.

The DC’s organising the top table at the festive board

The brethren then retired to the Phoenix Hotel, for a fine festive board.

In one of the more quirkier aspects of Freemasonry, a  brother is very kindly to make a modified wooden box , for the WM so when he sits in the Master’s Chair , his feet aren’t dangling unsupported, as the chair is raised by a step!

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