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Good friends reunited at William de Irwin Mark, Yeovil

L to R Steve Frost SW, Darren Sinclair JW and ProvGSW Desig, Richard Warry and Peter G Divall Master

It was another eventful night, at William De Irwin Mark in Yeovil on Thursday 28th March.

The first challenge was actually getting to the Masonic Hall! With a number of key roads either blocked or closed, due to fallen trees or flooding following a stormy day, one could be forgiven  for needing an Ark!

Around 40 brethren attended, to see a fine Advancement, with the Master Peter Divall working a worthy ceremony for candidate Richard Warry, who has been a very active mason at Crewkerne for nearly 40 years. As a number of Officers were prevented from attending last minute, as is quite often seen, a number of brethren stood in last minute, for which the Master thanked them all at the end of the ceremony.

When brother Richard found out his good friend Peter was being installed as Master in the Mark, Richard vested an interest….say no more! They have known each other for 40 years, working together, being Masons and also both being involved in the Scouts. Also, they are God parents to each other’s children!

With another two candidates being proposed at the meeting,  the lodge certainly has a full work schedule.

The brethren then retired to an excellent festive board. The visitor’s toast was ably given by the JW Darren Sinclair, the Provincial Grand SW Designate and was responded to by his guest, Sam Mayer, the Provincial Grand JW Designate!

Friends Richard Warry with Master Peter Divall
The brethren enjoyed good food and company at a super festive board

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