Royal Ark Mariner News

Brother Installs Brother at Cerdic RAM

A splendid evening at Cerdic RAM, on Thursday 7th September.
Thirty brethren were in attendance to see a Masonic event on a hot September evening.
Two very well-known and long-serving brethren in the Province, W. Bro Norman Crang and the (now) W. Bro Ken Crang were the main event of the meeting! Norman Installed his brother Ken into the Commander’s Chair in fine fettle.

The attendance of many visiting brethren who came to see this, including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro Anthony Guthrie, aided superbly throughout the evening by the Provincial DC Steve McNaughton.
The brethren then retired to a splendid festive board at the Phoenix Hotel, their usual haunt!
WC Ken and the IPCN Norman gave heartwarming and touching speeches about their connections in Freemasonry and family lives through the decades.

W.Bro Ian Strickland, the Provincial Secretary, gave the visitor’s response, which the brethren finely applauded. A delightful and memorable evening for all!

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