
A Grand (slightly warm) Day Out!

13 Somerset Mark Masons ventured to London for the June Quarterly Communications of Mark Grand Lodge to support WBro Ian Anderson and WBro John Allen, receive their first Grand Mark Appointment.

The MW Grand Master HRH Prince Michael presided. During his address, he reflected on his 40 years as Grand Master of the Mark, succeeding his Father, Prince George, Duke of Kent.  

He expressed how proud he was of the order and Freemasonry in general! He looks forward to carrying on as long as he is able. This was followed by a sumptuous banquet in the Grand Connaught Rooms. 

The next Mark Grand Lodge is on the 12 September, (always the Tuesday before UGLE Quarterly Communications) where 2 Somerset Brethren will be receive Grand Rank Promotions!

The PGM would like to welcome any Brother who has taken their 4th Regular step into Mark Masonry to attend! The Somerset contingent usually meets in The Winchester (Shakespeare’s Head, Holborn) at midday, for something to eat and drink. 

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