Lodge news

Mendip Lodge Celebrate 100 years

From (L – R):
Front Row: Overseers –  Steve Gibbons; Joe Guidi; Adrian Ambrosini
Back Row: ProvGDC Steve McNaughton; PGM Philip Voisey; JW Andrew Johns; WM Terry Wadman; SW Robert O’Malley-White; DepPGM Anthony Guthrie.

Mendip Lodge 781 celebrated their Centenary recently in typical Glastonbury style! Almost the entire Provincial Team including DepPGM Tony Guthrie were in attendance, to see the Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro. Philip Voisey occupy the Masters Chair and present the Centenary Warrant to WM Terry Wadman, along with a fascinating summary of its history.

The PGM was presented with a copy of a book written by W. Bro. John Smith entitled ‘The Mendip Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 781 – The first 100 years.  Each of the brethren in attendance also received a copy at the Festive Board.

The meeting concluded with a most interesting talk by W.Bro. David Rockey on the ‘Degree of Mark Master Mason’ which received acclamation from the assembled brethren.

Lodge History

Following a petition from the Royal Sussex Mark Lodge 177, Mendip Lodge was consecrated by the PGM R W.Bro. William Long at the Masonic Hall, 10 Cathedral Green, Wells on Wednesday April 4th 1923. The first regular meeting of was held three weeks later on April 25thunder the Mastership of R W.Bro. Colonel Thrale Perkins, when five brethren were advanced. Dinner after the meeting was held at the Star Hotel, Wells. Advancement into the Lodge was set at 2 Guinee’s (£2.10) and annual subscriptions 15 shillings (75p). The joining fee was 1 Guinee (£1.05).

The Lodge continued to meet at Wells for a further 77 years, including throughout the second world war (1939 – 1945) until the year 2000, when it removed to the Masonic Hall, Glastonbury which remains its home.

The WM said “I am delighted to have the honour of presiding over our first 100 years and thank the Provincial team for helping to make it so special”. The PGM responded by saying that he too was honoured to be part of such a special occasion and wished the Lodge well for the next 100 years!

Barry Davies PPrGInspWks DC 781

WM Terry Wadman receives the Centenary Warrant from The PGM Philip Voisey.

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