Charity News

Samsara supported by Fidelity and Unanimity Lodge

On Thursday, 2nd March 2023, W. Bro Bob Nicholls was joined by W. Bro’s Rod Green, David Roberts, Harry Price, and Charlie Barker at St. Margaret’s Hospice in Taunton.
Bob was installed as WM of the Fidelity and Unanimity Lodge of MMM 348 in October 2019, where he remained until he installed his successor W. Bro Charlie Barker, last October.
Bob’s chosen charity was Samsara, a therapeutic Workshop for bereaved children. Thanks to the generosity and support from the Lodge, Bob was delighted to present a cheque for £600 to support the Samsara group.

Bob also works at St. Margaret’s and regularly volunteers at the Samsara workshops.
After the presentation, Penny had refreshments with the brethren and gave an insight into what Samsara is and how the donation will be used. She also highlighted that the Hospice had donated a number of Teddies from Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) initiative and was able to say how valuable these were as a resource for the children that she sadly encountered.
Additionally, the brethren were given the opportunity to provide the hospice group with an insight into Freemasonry generally and how Charity is one of its core principles.
It is hoped that a representative from Samsara will be able to attend the next meeting of the Lodge (16th May 2023) to give a short presentation on Samsara.

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