Royal Ark Mariner News

Fidelity and Unanimity Royal Ark Mariner Installation Night

It was a very busy night at the Fidelity and Unanimity Royal Ark Mariner Lodge on 14th April.
As always, the April meeting was Installation Night, but this year the new Worshipful Commander, WBro Darren Sinclair, after being installed into office, went straight into an elevation ceremony for their new candidate, Bro Richard Dunn!
The night started off by the announcement that the outgoing Worship Commander WBro Sidney French was unable to attend due to a family illness, so WBro David Palmer, their I.P.C, carried out the duties of Installing Commander. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, WBro Tony Guthrie was in attendance to assist at the pedestal end. All went well and WBro Darren was placed in the Commander’s Chair. He installed his officers and then carried out the ceremony for Bro Richard. Bro Richard admitted that he should have joined the RAM degree many years ago as it really came home to him this year, on his 2nd term on the Provisional Mark team that he had missed out on visiting many RAM meetings over the years. They think he can squeeze in one or two team meetings now before he leaves office at the up-and-coming Provincial AGM meeting in early May.

After elevating Bro Richard, the lodge was pleased to welcome back Bro David Preece as a re-joining member of the lodge. The DPGM was then pleased to present Bros Ian Clift and Graeme Clark with their Grand Lodge certificates. Both these brothers were elevated on the same night back in October in a double ceremony, the first time in living memory for 348. Following the ceremony in the temple, all retired to an excellent festive board. The DPGM congratulated WBro Darren on his work that night and was pleased to hear that the lodge had another couple of candidates lined up, so it will continue to be a busy year for their new commander.

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