Lodge news

Else Lodge Welcomes Jason Garner at it’s “Burns night”

At the January meeting of Else Lodge 102 the lodge came together to perform a fine Advancement Ceremony for Jason Garner, was welcomed into the Mark Degree. Jason is relatively new to Freemasonry, but thoroughly enjoys it, and is enthusiastic about his membership. His military background was evident in the way he conducted himself during the ceremony, adding to the enjoyment.

The Worshipful Master, Ian MacDonald and both Deacons – Scott McKechnie and George Collington, being Scotsmen, wore their kilts in honour of the anniversary of Robbie Burns’ birthday, and at the Festive Board, the Beastie was duly sacrificed according to tradition and consumed with relish (“gravy” actually!).

There was a good turnout, which shows that we are getting back to some semblance of normality after the recent interesting times.

At the next meeting, on 21st March, the lodge looks forward to receiving the Travelling Keystone from the brethren of Royal Cumberland Lodge and will be delivering the Mark Lecture.

In May, Else lodge looks forward to hosting the SAMMS Team, which will be the first time they have visited Else Lodge.

The Address to the Haggis

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