Lodge news

Bob Coles 60th Anniversary Award

Bob Cole with the PGM and DPM

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022, is a day that will long live in the memory of Hallam Lodge and, in particular, VW Bro Bob Cole, who was honoured to receive his 60-year-long service
award from the Provincial Grand Master.

The evening started by welcoming the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Philip Voisey and his Deputy W Bro Tony Guthrie and a goodly number of Grand and Provincial Officers and especially the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Quantock Lodge No.749, who had brought the Travelling Keystone with them from Bridgwater, which was presented by W
Bro Richard Winter.

With the Lecture on the Degree of Mark Master Mason expertly delivered, the highlight of the evening was to follow when the Provincial Grand Master invited Very Worshipful Brother Robert Michael Cole to join him on the floor of the Lodge and, in a super relaxed manner talked to Bob about his 60-year journey in Mark Masonry.

Bob was advanced on November 28th, 1962, a year and 63 days since being initiated into the Craft.

“My father later told me that, in his opinion and now mine, 
Mark before Chapter as the Mark degree has more connection with the Second degree.”

Bob progressed through the offices, taking the chair in 1974 and then again in 2000; in between, Bob has been Lodge Secretary for many years; in fact, we believe he has served in every office except Organist!
In 1980 he became a founder member of Nailsea Mark lodge; in 1994 had a Grand Lodge appointment as PAGDC promotion followed in 2002 as PGSD and in 2017 to Past Grand Junior Overseer.

In 2015 the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro John Morgan presented Bob with a certificate for meritorious service. Always ready to assist on a visit to Eothen Mark Lodge in Hong Kong, there was no one available to deliver the address to the Overseers, so Bob volunteered!

Bob has also been part of the Somerset Antient Mark Masons team since the first ceremony in 1995 and has participated in 63 demonstrations in most English and Welsh provinces and Belgium and Germany.

Bob finished with, “the Mark degree has been a major part of my masonic life, and I have enjoyed every moment of it and give thanks to all the Mark brethren I have met over 60 years.”
The PGM thanked Bob for all of his hard work and effort over 60 years and presented Bob with his 60th certificate to much acclamation from the Brethren.
The evening’s presentations weren’t finished there; the PGM made two long service awards of 30 years to Bro Bob Williams and W Bro Ian Strickland, again thanking both for their respective contributions.

The evening celebrations continued at the festive board, where Bob was presented with an engraved pen from the Lodge in recognition of his many years of work as Secretary of the Lodge.

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