Charity News

St Andrews Lodge Installation

St Andrews members only use their home lodge at Midsomer Norton once a year for their installation meeting as for the rest of the time, they meet near the golf course used during the day.

A goodly number attended the installation with the PGM, R W Bro Phil Voisey, in attendance, in his official capacity, ably supported by the Provincial Deputy Grand D of C.

Bro Phil Giorgetti was installed into the Master’s chair during the ceremony, and he then appointed his officers in fine style.
After the ceremony, the PGM was presented with a cheque for £500 from the lodge, this being for the 2028 Festival

A cheque for the 2028 Festival Fund

The PGM then made a presentation to Bro Craig Harding, who, through regular giving, had secured his Gold Patron collar

Bro Craig Harding with the PGM

The evening was completed with a fine meal enjoyed by all.

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