Lodge news

M W Pro Grand Master & the Provincial Grand Master attend Sesquicentennial

Over 90 brethren packed the temple at Keynsham Masonic Hall on Monday 19 th December to witness The M W Pro Grand Master take the chair to present the Sesquicentennial Warrant to the Worshipful Master of the lodge.

Prior to this presentation the Provincial Grand Master had taken the chair to perform an Advancement Ceremony with the Provincial Team in office, and what a great ceremony it was with the Candidate Bro Shay Aziz joining our wonderful degree.

The evening got off to a great start with all guests meeting for drinks in the dining area before the meeting opened at 6pm. It was pleasing to watch over 20 of the Provincial Team form a double column which the PGM passed through to be greater by the WM, W Bro Bill Roberts, after which he took the chair.

The PGM then received the Grand Director of Ceremonies, V.W. Bro Christopher Davies , the Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master, John Herbert Prizeman then entered the lodge. The Advancement Ceremony for Bro Shay Aziz was conducted by the PGM in great style, demonstrating his expertise in ritual.

After the Ceremony, the M. W. Pro Grand Master having taken the chair spoke about the Carnarvon Lodge and is place in Somerset and touched on the Earl of Carnarvon’s involvement in Freemasonry.

The Sesquicentennial Warrant was presented to the WM, who thanked the M W Pro Grand Master for his kind words and attendance. During the warrant ceremony, the original Warrant of the lodge was read by the Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Ian Strickland, the minutes of the Centenary meeting was read by the Secretary of the Lodge , W Bro Richard Dredge and R W Bro Ray Guthrie presented a fascinating history of the Lodge.

During the evening, presentations were made to R W Bro David B Nelson for 40 years’ service to Mark Masonry, his Certificate was presented by the M W Pro Grand Master, who has known R W Bro David for many years.

The M W Pro Grand Master also Presented the PGM with his Grand Patron Collar.

The proceedings in the temple took over 2 hours but no one was falling asleep, just too much going on.
The Meal that followed was truly a festive one, and with the M W Pro Grand Master making a speech that was full of good humour , everyone enjoyed the celebrations.

See you all in another 50 years.

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