Royal Ark Mariner News

A Grand Day Out in London

Over 20 Members of Royal Ark Mariners in Somerset accompanied R W Bro Phil Voisey, PGM and W Bro Tony Guthrie, DPGM to the Royal Ark Mariners Grand Assembly in London on Monday 12th December 2022, there to witness W Bro David Lyons and W Bro Julian Frost receive their Royal Ark Mariners Grand Rank.

At Midday, everyone convened in the Shakespeare’s head for Lunch, a Pint and a good chat, before making their way to Grand Lodge.

Following the Assembly, members attended a seasonal dinner in the Grand Connaught Rooms with Brethren from other provinces and members of Grand Lodge. A great day was had by all!

R W Bro Phil , would like to invite you to accompany him to Mark Grand Lodge on 7th March 2023 meeting in the Shakespeare’s Head at 1200.

Please book , if you are interested with W Bro Geoffery Seaman:

We will all be dining after the meeting at La Ballerina in Covent Garden.

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