
Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Installations

All members of the Provincial Team are very welcome to support the Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy or his Representative at Installation Meetings. Brethren will be expected to pay for their own meal and should book in with the Lodge Secretary. Likewise Masters in Office should make the best of their year by visiting as many Lodges as possible.

The Provincial Team are expected to attend the Provincial Meetings for Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees and all team visits (as applicable). Those eligible are automatically booked in and MUSTadvise if they are unable to attend well in advance in writing or by email using this link Provincial DC. For Team visits the Provincial DC will usually coordinate dining arrangements.
(The Provincial Team comprises all Officers appointed or promoted to an active rank on 4th September 2021. The Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Team comprises all members of the Provincial Mark Team who are Royal Ark Mariners)

Installations and Team Visits – 2024/5


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